Weekend Winter

3/11/21 - Brrrrrrrr -

Dying Americans:
U.S. tops 100 million Covid vaccine doses administered, 13% of adults now fully vaccinated. {CNBC}

New $1,400 stimulus checks could be garnished for unpaid debts. Some are calling for that to change. {CNBC}

Dangerous winter storm batters western U.S. as airport, highways shut down. {Reuters}

Governments delay access to public records during pandemic. {News Center Maine}

Pennsylvania woman created ‘deepfake’ videos to force rivals off daughter’s cheerleading squad: police. {Penn Live}

Earlimart man arrested after search finds $167K in catalytic converters. {Bakersfield Record}

1/6 Capital Riot: Navy probe finds contractor charged in Capitol insurrection was well-known Nazi sympathizer. {CNN}

Capitol riot prosecutors ask for delay, citing "most complex" probe in U.S history. {Axios}

Capitol riot defendant accused of beating officer is charged and released. {CNN}

Killer Cops & Courts:
North Carolina police find suspicious devices near church. {ABC}

Londoners protest after police officer charged with woman's murder. {Reuters}

London police chief won’t resign over handling of vigil. {AlJazeera}

Half of Baton Rogue PD's narcotics division was arrested or transferred. What happens to their cases and what happened to the drugs? {The Advocate}

Defund Police:
'This is about justice': Events, rallies mark 1-year anniversary of Breonna Taylor's death. {Freep}

Breonna Taylor's boyfriend Kenneth Walker files federal lawsuit against Louisville police. {ABC}

*International Affairs & Boarders:
FEMA ordered to help with influx of migrant children at U.S.-Mexico border. {NBC}

U.S. Has 1,000 More Troops in Afghanistan Than It Disclosed. {NYT}

North Korea 'not responding' to US contact efforts. {BBC}

Russia Warns of H5N8 Bird Flu Transmission. {Moscow Times}

Sri Lanka to ban burqa, shut more than 1,000 Islamic schools. {AlJazeera}

Police break up anti-lockdown protest ahead of Dutch elections. {AlJazeera}

At least 39 reported killed in Myanmar as Chinese factories burn. {CNBC}

Charlie Hebdo cartoon of Meghan Markle and Queen sparks outrage. {CNN}

First ever sighting of a walrus in Ireland after it is thought to have drifted across Atlantic after falling asleep on iceberg. {Independent Ireland}

Bitcoin hits $61,000 in record high. {Reuters}

Collapse of trade with EU will ‘last until the summer’ {Guardian}

The United States informs some Huawei suppliers of tighter conditions on previously approved export licences, bans items for use in or with 5G devices from this week. {AlJazeera}

Dungeons & Dragons had its biggest year ever as Covid forced the game off tables and onto the web. {CNBC}

Researchers discover a dinosaur preserved sitting on a nest of eggs with fossilized embryos, a first. {CNN}

Large asteroid to pass by Earth on March 21: NASA. {Phys}

Spacewalkers take extra safety precautions for toxic ammonia. {Phys}

Astronomers detect a black hole on the move. {Phys}

Curiosity rover arrived at the gates of the hills region. Mont Mercou, a stratified 7m high butte, dominates the foreground. In the background, the beautiful cliffs are an invitation for exploration. Picture taken on 5 March 2021 (sol 3049 i.e. martian day 3049 of Curiosity mission). {Reddit}