Body doubles, evil rich people, and consciousness-altering trauma made by Cronenberg: The Next Generation. It’s fun! There’s a Skarsgard clownin’ around and going totally nuts. Mia Goth remains super creepy, still without mercy or eyebrows. The moral is NEVER fall in love with Mia Goth! Don’t do it! It might seem like a good idea at the time but you will regret it. Despite the many epilepsy warnings, I didn’t find things too gory. Rather, it’s like Scary White Lotus or Trippy Triangle of Sadness. It’s nice we get so much media about the cruelty of the rich people nowadays but… What if we could get free prescriptions? That’d be neat! I watched on 2/4/23 at AMC Sunset with S. V. J.
Dir. Brandon Cronenberg : 2023 : 117mins. : From Letterboxd